About me

Patricia Kiel

My intention is to help you to adept faster to this new energy on the planet, so you can handle and understand the changes better within you.

Hi! My name is Patricia and I am a certified Theta Healing®  Practitoner in DNA Basic and DNA Advanced from Germany originally. I'm based in Munich and i'm living periodly on the Algarve in Portugal. I came across Theta Healing® during an East Asia Trip in 2014. My first session with this technique changed some facts in my life completely in a positive way. Therefore it was inevitable for me to attend right away trainings to become a Theta Healing® Practioner.

In addition I got initiated with some master plants and completed a dieta in the Amazon with a master of the Shipibo Lineage. The work with master plants opened some boxes of knowledge within me and made me even more sensitive to the energies around me.

Since 2018 I’m studying at “SGD Darmstadt” to become a certified psychological coach.