Spiritual DNA Activation

The intention for this kind of session is to help you to adapt faster to the new energy on Earth.

We are experiencing a huge shift in consciousness right now, and as a

species we are now evolving and are waking up dormant parts of our soul

energy that we call DNA.

DNA-Activation is a very important part for the spiritual awakening, and

once awakened, there is a shift in the way you think and feel.

In this session, your spiritual/ quantum DNA is activated to your own

highest good, based on the ThetaHealing® method. With DNA-Activation

the frequency in your body will change and you awake your self-healing

power. The DNA-Activation allows us to survive the environmental poisons,

as well as accelerates our psychic senses.


According to the teachings of Kryon (a beautiful energy channeled by

Lee Caroll) we have twelve layers or energies around our DNA as follows:
Layers 1-3 are the Grounding Layers.
Layers 4-6 are the Human Divine Layers.
Layers 7-9 are the Lemurian Layers and
Layers 10-12 are the God Layers.

What does activation of the esoteric DNA mean? 

When I speak of DNA-Activation, I mean giving awareness to your esoteric DNA. With awareness comes activation of DNA. It simply means changing your frequency in the body.


To the scientist, ninety percent of the chemistry in DNA seems to be useless, the so called "junk DNA". It simply lies there and does nothing. That is how science sees it in their 3D viewpoint.

But in Quantum Biology, ninty percent of DNA is quantum energy and instructions...